*Official Love Handle Comics stickers are here to make chatting with your loved one on WhatsApp even more personal.*
If you love our comics, you will definitely have fun using these stickers. Download them now and share them with your loved ones, and create memories, whether you are living together or are in a long distance relationship.
There are three sticker packs for WhatsApp as of now.
The stickers work natively with the Whatsapp keyboard, and not with Google keyboard. So, make sure to tap the emoji button next to where it says "type a message". See the images for reference.
If you are a OnePlus user, turn off Battery Optimisation from Settings for our app. Otherwise, the stickers will not load properly.
We hope they bring as much joy to your relationship, as it brings to ours.
We will continue to add more stickers every month, based on how much you enjoy them.
*官方Love Handle Comics贴纸可以在WhatsApp上与您所爱的人进行更加个性化的聊天。*